Change What You CAN, accept what you CAN NOT change,
and ask for the wisdom to know the difference

Being the Best is a book written by DENIS WAITLEY. In this section I have some of the Snapshots from this books, which I like most......I appreciate the Author for writing such a nice Book...
Being the Best

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MYTH:   You're not good enough; you're stuck right where you are.
TRUTH:  What you see is who you'll be; set realistic goals and go for them.

MYTH:   Do it to others before they do it to you.
TRUTH:  Do it for others and they will come through for you.

MYTH:   Take care. . .Don't stick your neck out. . . Don't risk it.
TRUTH:  Failure is the fertilizer of success. The biggest risk is not risking.

MYTH:   Nice guys always finish last.
TRUTH:  Nice guys usually finish best.

MYTH:   Thank God it's Friday.
TRUTH:  Thank God it's today.

----------------- * I Believe There is a Way To Be Happy * -----------------

. We must appreciate and believe in every individual's freedom and inner human worth.
. It is important to understand individual and collective responsibilities to one another.
. Victory is not gained only at someone's expense.
. It is better to earn the trust and respect of one child than to gain notoriety and the adulation of the masses.
. In our status-oriented culture, beating others seems more important than being the best by sharing with and caring for others.
. Success is not a matter of simply gaining financial wealth. Money is like a train or plane ticket. It will take you nowhere unless you use it.
. Money and knowledge are very much the same. They mean nothing when you simply collect them. They mean everything when you employ them, share them, and put them to work.

----------------- * My Personal Code of Self-Respect * -----------------

I am valuable because God created me with an inner value and worth. I do not have to earn it. I nurture self-respect as I understand and internalize my basic inner value. The value is there. I don't have to achieve it. I already have it. My challenge is to nurture and protect it from getting jaded or twisted by the values of a success-at-any-cost-oriented society.
   My worth is my word. I make commitments, and I do what I say I will do. This is more than just important to me -- it is crucial.
   I say to others: " I am valuable, as you are valuable. We will make a value exchange. I will offer you the best I have, and I assume you will give me your best in return.

----------------- * You Can Live Far Beyond Any So-Called Limitations * -----------------

I am not saying there are no limits at all. All of us face certain limits. I will never become a star in the NBA or run a hundred meters in nine seconds or polevault twenty feet. But I have done many things and I can do many more. I am just starting to uncover my real potential.

----------------- * The Difference Between Limits and Limitations * -----------------

Two terms that are often used interchangeably. My self-esteem is my inner value, worth, and potential; my Self-image is how I see myself succeeding or failing at the tasks and challenges of life.
  Actually, I do not have a single self-image. It is probably more correct to say I have several self-images. I see myself as a good singer or a monotone. I see myself as able to draw well or like a first grader. I have a self-image about my ability to speak, write, fix the car, or make love. My self-image say, "Yes, you do that quite well, perhaps very well," or "No, you are only so-so or very poor in this other area."

----------------- * Why Do So Many Think, It's Not For Me ? * -----------------

I talk to people about their potential and ask, "Can you see it for yourself? Can you imagine it?"
   The response is often negative: "No, I can't. May be it's for you or them, but not for me."
  "Why?" I ask.
   And these are the answers I get too frequently: "Because I'm not good looking enough or talented enough." "I don't have the gift of gab. You're smooth; I'm not." "I'm too old, too fat, too slow," or too "something" that's a negative characteristic.

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1.  Set your own internal standards instead of comparing yourself to others. Accept yourself as you are right now, but keep upgrading your standards, life-style, behavior, professional training, and relationships by associating with winners.
2.  Project your best self. Dressing well and looking your best do not have to involve trendy fashions and designer labels. Being appropriate for the occasion and being neat and clean are more important. Personal grooming and appearance provide an instantaneous projection on the surface of how you feel inside about yourself.
3. Read a being-the-best biography each month.
4. Take stock this weekend of the images with which you display yourself.
5. Go for a private walk near the water, in the country, near the mountains, or to a park, and recall your childhood play and fantasies. What did you really love to do as a child? What were you good at? Which classes did you enjoy the most throughout your school years? Dust off and reactivate your creativity.

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